antsmSign up here for our Exterior Barrier Programbeesm

  • BugBuster is based out of Hudson and has been family owned for over 30 years.
  • Our applicators are state licensed, implementing the latest in integrated pest control management techniques.
  • We service 11 counties in northern and central Ohio.
  • Our services include Residential and Commercial properties as well as full service WDI Inspections for Real Estate Transactions, including VA and FHA.

Our targeted pests include:
bbredstar Ants
bbredstar Bee/Hornet/Wasps
bbredstar Bedbugs
bbredstar Centipedes/Millipedes
bbredstar Cockroaches
bbredstar Earwigs
bbredstar Fleas & Ticks
bbredstar Flies
bbredstar Gnats
bbredstar Ladybugs
bbredstar Mice & Rats
bbredstar Pantry Moths/Beetles
bbredstar Spiders
bbredstar Stinkbugs
bbredstar Termites